Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog Assignment #1

I really enjoyed reading and learning from the two resources listed. I loved the dream aspect of Krissy Venosdale while going in to the detail she went in during her blog post, If I Built A School. The excitement that she had in this idea with every aspect such as the thank you notes at the front of the school to the colorful school bus waiting for students for field trips was phenomenal. I liked that it wasn't all about the teaching, but rather, it was about the learning. In the video of Sugata Mitra, I loved listening about the children in villages self-learning. There were so many students that just simply asked questions, and it eventually led to these students fully operating a hole in the wall computer. 

In my school, if I ever got the chance to build my own, the students would love learning. There would always be a new thing to do for them to express themselves and grow. It would be a kid environment, not a professional environment. There would be things for all types of students: visual learners, hands-on learners, and those that can't quite do everything others can do. I would incorporate technology such as SMART boards, iPads, and computers as much as I can, but I would also continue to use the dry erase board. This would still use the hands on aspect of learning. I want students to ask questions and always experiment to figure out new things and new ways to do projects. 

Things I want my students to know: 

I want my students to know that learning isn't hard. This is something that is very important to me because growing up I always heard my peers discussing that there wasn't a point to learning because some parts were just to hard. This is NOT true. Learning can be easy with all the resources available and if the teacher is willing to help. Another thing I want students to know is that learning is fun. There are so many ways to put an idea on the table. Using art and music and students' imagination will be the spark that leads to a fire in the child's heart. 

Things I want my students to do:

I want my students to be able to work together and enjoy building friendships. There are more aspects to school than learning. I want students to be able to understand. I want them to understand the quality of friendship, how they can learn and ask questions, making mistakes is perfectly okay, and the best work is the work that they do on their own. Confidence is the glue that makes learning fun. 

My primary way of teaching and what I want them know and do:

I will always use hands on activities in the classrooms whether it is through crafts, experiments, going outside, and writing on the board. Technology will play a key role inside my school using it for learning. I will also incorporate the social media resources that are known widely today. I want my students to know that technology is not confusing and that there are many ways to use it. I want them to work with technology and with others to create their own ideas. I want them to stray away from depending on the teacher all the time and know that they are good enough. 

The tools I will use in my classroom:

I will use different technological tools in my class such as iPads, SMART Boards, QR Codes, Computers, and cameras, along with general tools such as stations that include paint, markers, crayons, pencils, and more. The technology is a vital role in the classroom because it is constantly growing. On the other hand, the general classroom tools are vitally important because like I listed above, I would incorporate hands on activities that this would be needed. 

The role that my students would play would be:

The students would play the biggest role in my school because without students, there is no point for a school. They are what keep teachers teaching, schools learning, and the world improving. Students would participate daily in all of the activities going on. There could be days that I would even let students lead lessons. These student lessons would show that they are important and have roles inside the school, no matter what. 

Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best

1 comment:

  1. "... but I would also continue to use the dry erase board. This would still use the hands on aspect of learning." Are there not other ways to "use the hands on aspect of learning." I am not convinced dry erase boards are necessary to accomplish that objective!

    "...were just to hard." too, not to

    I can introduce you some of your classmates for whom learning is hard In fact, they should probably not be in college!

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
